The Portal

Tonight is Halloween/All Hallows Eve/Samhain. This is one of my favorite nights of the year – I love the thinning of the veil and all that is connected with it. Thanks to Linus, I discovered the portal through which the magical world of spirit can be entered. For those who still do not get it, the portal is the pumpkin field. The Great Pumpkin does not come to us – we go to him. The energy of the pumpkins carries us into a world of enchantment, where we can contact our ancestors, relive cherished memories, and create new ones. Enjoy the journey!

October 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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The Funeral

The flowers were lovely, as was the service. Many people showed up to pay their respects. Or simply to be seen? One never knows. It was interesting to move about in the crowd and listen to the whispered conversations. Some people were genuinely sad, some were reminiscing, some were speculating on the will. Everyone seemed to have their own version of reality. Finally the casket was lowered into the ground. Tears were shed by a few. Life moves on. I couldn’t worry about that – I was not in that coffin, I had already transitioned. I just wanted one last look at the people that had populated my life.

(c) September 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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The Book of Life

John put down the phone abruptly. From what he had just heard, his wife, Denise, was a potential problem. She could be disappeared, and that definitely would happen. But he needed to find the journal first – the journal that could end all things for him. His people had not been able to find it, but he had an idea that it was somewhere in her room, probably in plain sight. She wasn’t due home for an hour, so he had some time. He walked up the stairs, and entered the room. He allowed is gaze to soften, and his intuition to kick in. He walked over to the bookshelf, and passed his hand lightly in front of the books. he stopped, and took one book out. This was it. This was her journal. This was what he needed. He put the book in his pocket, and walked back downstairs. He was safe.

(c) August 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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The Coffee Klatch

Angeline sat at the kitchen table, coffee cup in hand. She pictured her mother’s kitchen table, and the ladies seated around it every morning. They had all completed their morning chores, and were ready for a timeout. She never knew why they always met at her house, but they did. Children were sent to the other room to play, while the mothers drank coffee, nibbled on sweet bread or coffee cake, and discussed life. They celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, their husband’s promotions – and they were there for each other when the times were hard. Those were the days.

(c) August 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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Mirror Image

She stood before the mirror – but what exactly did she see? Did she see what was there? Did she see what she wanted to see? Was she being drawn into the mirror? Was she about to walk into another time and place through the portal of the mirror? Was that going to be a better time and place? Did she even want to know? She made it back the last time, but was that a fluke? Should she have actually stayed? Would it have made any difference? Is there even such a thing as time, or does everything co-exist? Are past, present, and future all one thing?

(c) August 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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Through The Looking Glass

Can we just step through a looking glass and enter another world? Why not – there are many other worlds out there, and they are accessible to us. Some are better left alone, some are teaching fields, and some genuine alternatives. What does one need to enter another world? All you need is a portal. A mirror is an obvious portal, but you can also enter through books and paintings. Think big! Think Harry Potter. Oh, you thought Harry Potter was well done fantasy? Not really. You can walk into this world any time you want. I do.

(c) July 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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The Time Machine

I found the secret to traveling through time – it is called a time machine. But what exactly happens when I activate this time machine? Can I be assured that I will go back (or forward) to the exact time period that I set it for? Will circumstances from that time be what I think they will be? Will people be able to see me, or will I be able to move around incognito? If I want to, can I hold a conversation with someone from the past? Can I get resolution to issues that happened in this lifetime? How long can I stay without altering who I am? If I wanted to remain in that lifetime, could I?

June 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the author.Bonnie

The Book Shop

I can’t even begin to tell you when I first started coming to this bookstore. I love books – all kinds of books, but especially mysteries. Somehow esoteric and meaphysical books seem to find their way to me too. These are worlds that I can easily inhabit, that fold themselves around me and shut out the “real” world. But then, which of these worlds is real, and which is not? A good book, a good cup of coffee, and I can be lost for hours. Or is this where I really find myself, and the lost part is the day to day world? I don’t think that I want to know.

(c) June 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the author.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Quite the thing, these trips down memory lane. We each have our own perspective of what happened. He keeps coming back and asking questions. Basically, he wants to know why. I am not sure why. I am not even sure that it happened. Well, he did disappear. We were at the lake, on the pier. It was a sunny day, but I can only see it through a haze. We were talking about moving to Paris. Then I found myself back home, but he wasn’t there. Yes, after I reported him missing I did go to Paris, where I lived for many years. On my own terms.

(c) May 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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The Hidden Path

The hidden path is something that makes itself evident to us. We can look for it, but we will not find it. It has to find us. I hold the memory of my hidden path close to me. it mde itself evident in my early teens, and provided me with a place to go when I was feeling lost inside. I would go there, meditate, and write. I still visit there as an adult – and it always brings me home to myself. I started up the wide steps, in the middle of the forest. There was a small building at the end of these steps, not a falling down building, but a solid one. As an adult, I had purchased the property as a “placeholder”. There was no upkeep – it always stayed sturdy, waiting for me.

(c) May 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

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