Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Please Note: This flash fiction was written by ChatGPT – I think it turned out rather well!

Sherlock Holmes was pacing the floor of their lodgings at 221B Baker Street, lost in thought. Dr. Watson observed his friend from the armchair by the fireplace, waiting for him to share what was troubling him. Finally, Holmes turned to Watson and said, “I fear I may have made a grave mistake in our last case, old chap. I believe I accused the wrong man of the crime.” Watson reassured him that it was a simple error and could be corrected. “No, Watson,” Holmes replied with a heavy sigh, “It is not so simple. Lives are at stake. I must make amends.” The two sat in silence, pondering the weight of justice.

(c) March 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

The Commodore’s Tribute To Marvin Gaye

Please note: This is an experiment, a flash fiction piece written by ChatGPT based on the Commodore’s tribute to the legendary Marvin Gaye.

As the music blared through the speakers, she closed her eyes and swayed to the rhythm. The soulful voices echoed through the room, sending chills down her spine. It was a tribute to Marvin Gaye by the Commodores, and they had done justice to the legend’s music.

Lost in the music, she imagined herself in a world where love was unconditional, and people cared for each other. It was a fleeting moment, but one that she wished could last forever. As the song ended, she opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled. She knew that even though the world was far from perfect, the power of music could transport her to a better place.

(c) March 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of the author.

Did She Really?

We were never sure if she stole the money or how she managed to do it. She was an assistant to the president, but that didn’t give her access to a whole lot of information. The money was gone, and she was gone. The home she listed as her home – it never was her home. Her bank account was closed, and the car she had been driving turned out to be a rental. Her entire resume was fabricated. She was long gone, more than likely enjoying her money in another country, creating a new life for herself. She was not the quiet person she had presented herself as.

(c) January 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the author.


Memorial Day and memories. I remember being in the service during the Viet Nam war, and seeing a soldier’s mother escorting his Vietnamese wife around the hospital. She was pregnant and spoke little English. I remember reading in my high school alumni newsletter about those from my class that had served and made the ultimate sacrifice. I remember being stationed in Hawaii at the end of the war, and how we processed medical samples for Vietnamese people that were being evacuated. I remember a friend that I went to school with at Fort Sam Houston, who had served in Vietnam. He had a meltdown when he and his wife came home from Christmas shopping and saw their Christmas tree tipped over (on its own, no pets involved). Memories can heal us, or they can haunt us.

(c) May 2022 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

Remember When

I sit here enjoying the music and contemplating. Alan Jackson is one of my all-time favorite singers. “Remember When” is one of my all-time favorite songs. The memories that it brings can rip your heart out, or they can sustain you, or they can do both. Jackson writes about what is going on in his own life, which gives deep meaning to the song if you “remember” that he and his wife almost broke up at one point in time. Each of us has our “remember when” times. We survived them. We continue to move forward, each a little better person for them.

(c) May 2022 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the author.

Doors Open, Doors Close

Gabriella closed the trunk of her car, having just finished carrying down her personal belongings from her office – now her former office. It was her choice to leave the company, and the parting was amicable. She had been consulting part-time for a couple of years and was ready to make that her full-time job. It’s scary to work for yourself, but exciting. Jeff had been against it – so much so that he had broken off their engagement. If that was how he felt, she did not need him in her life. Now she would find out just what she did need.

(c) March 2022 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of the author.

The Ghost of Christmas Future

How can we know what the future has to bring? This was Anne’s thought as she gazed at her Christmas tree. So many shadows from past Christmas’s -some good, some a bit more difficult. So many shadows of the present, flowing around her. One thing Anne knew about future Christmas’s is that they would reflect who she was in that time and space. The Anne of now would continue to grow and change, but she would always reflect the best that was in her heart. She would always be grateful for her experiences, and for the people that she met along the way. Her heart was filled with grace and gratitude.

(c) December 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

The Ghost of Christmas Present

Anne gazed into the fireplace, allowing the ambiance of Christmas present to fill her with joy and peace. The year had been filled with changes, some expected, some not expected. All had turned out for the best, fine-tuning her path in ways that she never expected. She was in a good place, able to do what she wanted when she wanted. Winter was her time, not only to reflect on the past year but to honor it by being the best that she could be. So much to be thankful for, so much to look forward to.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

(c) December 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Anne sat quietly sipping her eggnog, gazing at the lights on her Christmas tree and enjoying the light cognac flavor. Every ornament on her tree held a memory, representing Christmas past and present, and perhaps even future. She did not think along the lines of Ebenezer Scrooge because that is not who she was. The ghosts of her past were happy ghosts, reflecting who she was then. Some of her mother’s ornaments were on that tree, as were some that she and John had picked out together. She smiled as she remembered the year that she won a free tree from a casino.

(c) December 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

The Funeral

The flowers were lovely, as was the service. Many people showed up to pay their respects. Or simply to be seen? One never knows. It was interesting to move about in the crowd and listen to the whispered conversations. Some people were genuinely sad, some were reminiscing, some were speculating on the will. Everyone seemed to have their own version of reality. Finally the casket was lowered into the ground. Tears were shed by a few. Life moves on. I couldn’t worry about that – I was not in that coffin, I had already transitioned. I just wanted one last look at the people that had populated my life.

(c) September 2021 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction prohibited without written permission from the author.