The Commodore’s Tribute To Marvin Gaye

Please note: This is an experiment, a flash fiction piece written by ChatGPT based on the Commodore’s tribute to the legendary Marvin Gaye.

As the music blared through the speakers, she closed her eyes and swayed to the rhythm. The soulful voices echoed through the room, sending chills down her spine. It was a tribute to Marvin Gaye by the Commodores, and they had done justice to the legend’s music.

Lost in the music, she imagined herself in a world where love was unconditional, and people cared for each other. It was a fleeting moment, but one that she wished could last forever. As the song ended, she opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled. She knew that even though the world was far from perfect, the power of music could transport her to a better place.

(c) March 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of the author.

Green Room Two

The “Green Room” – the place where guests wait to go on a TV show. How cool was this – they were going to be on the “Rosie” show! Reminiscent of  old times – it felt good. It was more than just getting your name out there – there was an audience to work off of, and they got to see the joy in their fans up close and personal. Every once in a while it was good to do a small venue like this – a small venue that was broadcast nationwide! Can’t complain about that! The three of them walked down the hall in unison, laughing over the fact that the “Green Room” was actually labeled, just in case they got lost!

(c) January 2012 Bonnie Cehovet