Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Please Note: This flash fiction was written by ChatGPT – I think it turned out rather well!

Sherlock Holmes was pacing the floor of their lodgings at 221B Baker Street, lost in thought. Dr. Watson observed his friend from the armchair by the fireplace, waiting for him to share what was troubling him. Finally, Holmes turned to Watson and said, “I fear I may have made a grave mistake in our last case, old chap. I believe I accused the wrong man of the crime.” Watson reassured him that it was a simple error and could be corrected. “No, Watson,” Holmes replied with a heavy sigh, “It is not so simple. Lives are at stake. I must make amends.” The two sat in silence, pondering the weight of justice.

(c) March 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

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