Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Please Note: This flash fiction was written by ChatGPT – I think it turned out rather well!

Sherlock Holmes was pacing the floor of their lodgings at 221B Baker Street, lost in thought. Dr. Watson observed his friend from the armchair by the fireplace, waiting for him to share what was troubling him. Finally, Holmes turned to Watson and said, “I fear I may have made a grave mistake in our last case, old chap. I believe I accused the wrong man of the crime.” Watson reassured him that it was a simple error and could be corrected. “No, Watson,” Holmes replied with a heavy sigh, “It is not so simple. Lives are at stake. I must make amends.” The two sat in silence, pondering the weight of justice.

(c) March 2023 Bonnie Cehovet

Reproduction is prohibited without the written permission of the author.

221B Baker Street

If you don’t know what 221B Baker Street is, then you are not a Sherlock Holmes fan. This is the London address of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. This is where we meet his associate, Dr. Watson, and his housekeeper, Mrs. Hudson. This is also where his clients come to share their stories, and ask for his help. In my mind, I can see the gasogene device used to add soda to drinks, I can smell the pipe that Holmes smokes, I can see the fire in the fireplace, and the tea cups on the table.  This is my world.

(c) August 2019 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without written permissions of the author.

Sherlock Holmes

flash fiction

Some things make us feel safe, they take us into another world. Sherlock Holmes does that for me. Holmes and Watson are very defined characters. Characters that I see them as living people. Flesh and blood people. They existed, in a lovely, if sometimes shadowy, Victorian world. We know their strengths and their weaknesses. We know all about the bolt holes, and the “irregulars”. We know that each perplexing mystery has a solution. Woud it really be so bad to go back to that gasogene world? Is there a portal somewhere that will allow me to become one of them?

(c) January 2018 Bonnie Cehovet
Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the author.